A little boutique....

29 July 2013

My preferred shopping experiences will always be in gorgeous boutique environments, with unique collections, and great service. Sadly, to experience all three aspects is rare so whenever I do hit the trifecta I love to 'show and tell'. 

On my recent trip to the US, there was one boutique in particular that I fell in love with, located in beautiful Doylestown, Shop Sixty Five, (just 55 minutes from Philadelphia and 90 minutes from New York City). 

While we were shopping we had the privilege of meeting boutique owner, Linda La Rosa. 
Linda, a former New York stylist has an exquisite eye for detail and it is no surprise that the collections in the boutique were perfection.  
Linda and her team of girls were fabulous and they seemed to enjoy the experience as much as we did; each of them were engaging and 'present', and with their in depth knowledge of each collection in store, were able to pull from the racks and personalise a perfect selection. 

Impossible to leave empty handed, with a beautiful Rebecca Taylor dress, and a great deal on a fab pair of Genetic Denim skinny jeans from their amazing Denim Bar upstairs... I left one happy girl.

You can keep up with the great collections in store by following Shop Sixty Five on Facebook, twitter and their blog, Shop Sixty Five 

Sadly for my Australian friends at this point in time, international shipping is not available, but if enough of us show them the love.... you just never know....

sharing the love....


pics courtesy of shopsixtyfive.com

New York Dreaming

24 July 2013

It will come as no surprise that looking good is important to me, and on my recent trip to NYC, I was feeling somewhat intimidated, (perhaps terrified might be a more appropriate word) at the fashion set that was about to greet me.

It is one thing to look and feel good in your "local haunts", quite another amongst the style set of what I would consider to be one of the style meccas of the world. 

The problem with fashion is that there is always going to be the next "IT" bag, something prettier, someone more stylish, and at the heart of it often lies comparison, insecurity and inferiority. 
We must embark on our own journey to discover our unique style mantra, because true style will never be a carbon copy. In the words of Epictetus, "know first who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly".

I hoped that what I would find in New york would be eclectic, creative; true personal style that didn't necessarily look a particular way, but one that was diverse, interesting, colourful and unique.

I was not disappointed. 

New York is an inspirational colour palette that is unique in every way. Interestingly though, it was not what people were wearing that inspired me, rather the architecture, colour, food, side walk stalls... the windows, musicians in the park. The lifestyle....

There was more than enough room for everyone.... even the carbon copy - lets call it "borrowed style" because every now and then we just can't help but steal a look or two from the fashion set xo

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